16 Sept, Week 5, Fee-fie-foe-fum. I smell the piss of a homeless man.

I’m debating the proper spelling of Foe. I believe one could make and argument for fough, phoe, fowe, or possibly foue if you use a French spelling. Have you ever wondered why homeless people seem to universally smell like piss? Perhaps sleeping on the ground causes incontinence.

I don’t have a whole lot to write about. I finished the second week of work. Things are going OK, although my language development has slowed below acceptable levels, and I am planning steps to correct this. I will buy a book for me to read on the bus instead of wasting time with the newspapers, and will increase my efforts to find an evening practice activity.

Fall/winter fashions are now in full effect. All the new manikins standing defiantly in the store windows are now dressed in shades of charcoal. I’d like to go to the Alps once before they get snow. Maybe tomorrow if the weather clears…

As I'm on the topic of piss, here's a picture of an Italian public toilet:

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