22April, Day 103, To Move?

Inter, one of Milan’s soccer teams won the Italian championship today so people have been waving flags and beeping their horns for hours. I’m pretty tired to join in the festivities tonight.

It’s been a good weekend after a pretty monotonous workweek.

Antonio came to visit from Florence, so we went out in Milan both Friday and Saturday night. We pretended to have a tropical happy hour in Monza before meeting Lucy and a couple others for an hour before going to a party at NABA in Milan. I had hoped to see some girls at NABA that I met there Thurs, as well as some others that I’d met when I studied there in August. I ran into one of the girls that had invited me to the party though we only spoke briefly as she appeared to be leaving. Antonio and I roamed the grounds scanning for a familiar face, or other people that looked interesting to meet. I ran into Katerina just as we were pondering leaving to find Emiliano at another design-week party. She’s a girl from St. Petersburg, Russia that I met in August while I was studying Italian. We had been in touch briefly this week. I think there was a mutual happiness in actually seeing each other although we soon went our separate ways.

We found Emiliano and a few of his friends that I’ve been getting to know amongst a mob of partiers in the street. One of the first things he told me was that he found an apartment for me in Milan. (!)

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