6Dec, Day 115-(10 Days until leaving for NY), Strufuli and Dust
According to the laws of the universe that most of us subscribe to, matter is not usually created or destroyed. However, dust is a strange exception. I can almost measure the speed at which it collects on the floor of my apartment --but it seems to have no source. Just think, if my floor is gaining a few hundred cubic centimeters (about a cup when you weep it into a pile) of dust every week, then something else must be losing a few hundred cc of dust every week. I know! It must be falling from space. All those theories about the oceans rising because we’re melting the ice couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s cosmic dust. Call Steven Hawkings because I have all the evidence right here.
While we’re studying the universe, I’d also like to know why my candles were made 3 inches wide, but the only wax that burns makes a tunnel down the middle about 1 inch wide. What am I supposed to do with a tube of wax with a hole in the middle where the wick was? Anyone who’s seen a hybrid rocket engine might suggest making the wick longer next time. Why don’t the make it a spiral?
And speaking of wax with an empty space in the middle: who is the idiot who put Paris Hilton on tv doing Vodafone commercials in Italian?! She’s deplorable. (Does Linus say that?) They’d be better off replacing her with the girl who made the news tonight for exotic dancing on the subway trains for tips. I bet she makes a pretty good turnover. It’s bound to be a lot better than the people who mumble at you with their hand out. I want to give them a high five, but I’m not in the mood to get stabbed.
It’s been another miserably dreary day, but the neighbors brightened up my evening and brought me a plate of strufuli. They’re like the little nuggets of fried dough covered in honey and sprinkles like grandma makes, but these were about half the size, and a bit fluffier. They also use silver bb-like balls, white jellybeans, and little pieces of candied fruit to augment the traditional rainbow sprinkles. I definitely need to get them at least one thing in return, but I really have no idea what they might like. I guess a poinsettia plant is a safe bet, but I’ll take suggestions.
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