Toscana Part 2: Firenze

Toscana Part 2: Firenze
I’ve wanted to finish the entry for such a long time that I don’t know if I’ll get around to writing it, or if it even pays to publish it this late. I’ll start with the outline, and maybe fill in some material if I get around to it.

Arrival. I feel superior because familiarity
Dumb-sounding Texans + Italian guys
Firenze has a supersexual vibe
Like college spring break
Model Show
Eucre American girls
The onion story and Daniela’s description of the game
Rebecca and company
Party with Spaniards
Box wine and coke
The 4-5 cuties
Lots of talk but still striking out
Chianti, Greve
Wine tasting, wine opener
Hill Fiasole
Are Fiorentinos/Toscans more interesting than Milanese? Or my bias based on this experience?
Approach artist
(Farewell) dinner
Missing having close Friends/Companionship

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